CoolSculpting® Elite | Non-invasive fat reduction treatment

CoolSculpting® Elite at The Dr Jenni Clinic


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Do you have stubborn fat you can’t shift no matter how hard you try?

Is your stomach fat affecting your confidence?

Do you have fat under your chin you dislike in photographs?

At the beginning of 2021, The Dr Jenni Clinic became one of the first clinics in the UK to offer CoolSculpting Elite®. Being at the leading edge of both technology and safety underpins everything we do here at The Dr Jenni Clinic. The CoolSculpting Elite® is only available to clinics which are led by a medical doctor, so you can always trust in us to provide you with reliable and safe treatments which truly work.


What is CoolSculpting® Elite?

CoolSculpting® Elite is the no.1 body contouring treatment in the world. It harnesses the power of cold (-11 degrees Celsius to be exact), via a procedure called cryolipolysis, or ‘fat freezing’. It features one-of-a-kind technology that targets, freezes and destroys fat cells beneath the skin’s surface.

Cool Sculpting

CoolSculpting® Elite is a safe, non-surgical treatment for men and women who want to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in certain areas of their body, with little to no downtime.


Why should I choose The Dr Jenni Clinic for my CoolSculpting® treatment?

The Dr Jenni Clinic is one of just a handful of doctor-led clinics in the UK to have the amazing CoolSculpting® Elite; the very latest, state-of-the-art, faster and more effective CoolSculpting® technology. As a practising medical doctor, Dr Jenni will always ensure that you are safe, comfortable, and relaxed, and that you are always treated by herself and her highly skilled team in her doctor-led clinic.

If you want to relax, be looked after and feel great in beautiful surroundings, there is no better place to have your CoolSculpting® Elite experience than The Dr Jenni Clinic.


How does CoolSculpting® work?

Fat cells don’t like the cold and at a certain temperature they will freeze, which causes them to crystallise and be destroyed naturally. Your body then eliminates these cells over the next few months, eventually resulting in up to 25% reduction of fat in the treated area.


Is CoolSculpting® the right treatment for me?

For people with healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle, CoolSculpting® Elite at The Dr Jenni Clinic is a great way to safely and effectively reduce excess fat.

The CoolSculpting® Elite fat-reduction procedure at The Dr Jenni Clinic is specifically designed for those who have unwanted fat in targeted areas. Unlike weight loss-surgery or Dr Jenni’s Weight Control Programme, CoolSculpting® Elite not a weight loss solution for people who are obese. Good candidates for the procedure have noticeable bulges in certain areas they’d like to get rid of. 

Many people want a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. It is also for people who are at, or near, their ideal body weight and who want to reduce fat in one or more of the treatment areas listed below. CoolSculpting® Elite helps sculpt the body in treated areas, so you’ll probably find that your clothes fit better, look better and feel better on you.


Which areas of my body can be treated?

It may surprise you that CoolSculpting® is not just for your stomach. Your CoolSculpting® Elite treatment at The Dr Jenni Clinic can reduce stubborn fat in the following areas:

  • Under the chin
  • Under the jawline
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen (stomach)
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Bra line on the back
  • Back fat
  • Underneath the buttocks (banana roll)
  • Under the upper arms
  • Axillary puff (the bulge of fat at the front of the armpit)


Can the treated fat cells come back?

No. The number of fat cells in your body is set during childhood and adolescence and that number varies very minimally in adulthood. Once the treated fat cells are crystallised (frozen), they are destroyed and are naturally processed and eliminated from the body. Once the treated fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good.


Is the CoolSculpting® Elite procedure safe?

As a leading non-invasive fat-reduction treatment worldwide, CoolSculpting® has a well-established safety and efficacy profile. The CoolSculpting® Elite system at The Dr Jenni clinic has controlled cooling devices designed with built-in safety measures. If sensors detect that the skin is getting too cold, the system will shut down automatically.


What to expect

Once we have decided on your treatment area(s), we will apply a clear gel pad to create a barrier between the cooling panel and your skin. You will feel a slight sucking sensation as the applicator adheres to your body.

During the treatment you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, intense cold, tingling, stinging, aching, and cramping at the treatment site. These sensations subside as the area becomes numb.

During the treatment you can read, answer emails, chat or simply close your eyes and relax!

Once your treatment is complete, the applicator is detached and we will carry out a brief massage on the treated area(s) to break up the treated fat cells and enhance the fat reduction.

Most people experience little to no downtime after their CoolSculpting® treatments. With treatment times as quick as 35 minutes, you can have your CoolSculpting® Elite treatment and then get right back to your normal activities.

You’ll start to see changes as soon as 1-3 months after your treatment. Final results may take 6 months or more.


How many treatments will I need?

One treatment with CoolSculpting® Elite reduces up to 20–25% of fat cells in the treated area, however we recommend a minimum of two treatments to reach your desired results and get the most out of your CoolSculpting® Elite experience. We will work with you to determine whether additional treatments are necessary to reach your desired goal.

It all starts with a 45-minute consultation, during which we discuss your desired outcome in full and decide which area(s) to treat. This consultation is free and allows us to determine if this is the right treatment for you.


How much does the CoolSculpting® procedure cost?

The price for your CoolSculpting® Elite procedure varies depending on your areas of concern, the number of treatments needed, and your ultimate goals. Create a customised treatment plan, in person, with Dr Jenni and her team that’s tailored to your body, your goals, and your budget.

Treatment Prices

Treatment Price
Every CoolScuplting® Elite treatment is personalised to you, and both the treatment plan and price depend on the treatment area(s) chosen. A consultation is the first step to establish how CoolSculpting® Elite would best meet your needs. The initial consultation is complimentary. Treatment prices start from £1,200. Free

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© The Dr Jenni Clinic. Company no: 11309649. Registered Address: South Entrance, Blisworth Hill Farm, Stoke Road, Blisworth, Northamptonshire NN7 3DB. Registered with the Care Quality Commission: Certificate Number CRT1-9358870592.