Laser Hair Removal
For permanent facial and body hair reduction.
What is laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal is the process of removing hairs from the face and body by exposing the hair follicles to pulses of laser light.
The laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair and the light energy is converted to heat, which damages the hair follicle and stops or delays future hair growth.
Why choose The Dr Jenni Clinic?
At The Dr Jenni Clinic, we have one of the very best, well tested and most highly advanced laser devices in the world. Our laser offers a permanent reduction in hair growth and is the most effective and long-lasting method of hair removal available. It offers a longer delay in hair regrowth compared to other laser hair removal systems and the results far exceed cheaper and more traditional IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments, which often can just stun the hair follicles and can give disappointing results.
At The Dr Jenni Clinic, we use real laser technology, not IPL. Our laser technology is far superior and can be used on all skin types and skin tones safely, with excellent results. It will reduce hair growth by up to 95%, giving you smoother skin and preventing ingrown hairs and irritation – all in as little as 8 sessions.

Laser hair removal also improves skin tone and texture, by reducing pigmentation and uneven skin left behind after constant shaving or waxing. Waxing or shaving your skin over time can cause darkening or lightening of your skin in that area, the laser does not cause this problem so is another reason why clients choose to come to us for permanent hair removal.
Laser hair reduction can be used almost anywhere on the face and body, including:
- Upper Lip
- Chin
- Face
- Underarms
- Chest
- Back
- Stomach
- Legs
- Bikini Line
It is suitable for men and women of all skin types and, unlike other devices, it is suitable for all skin tones, including Asian and darker skin tones.
Our lasers can be adjusted to work with any hair and skin combination, provided that there is enough pigment in the hair (i.e. it is dark enough to attract the laser). If your hair is dark blonde to black, it will work for you. However, this treatment will not work if you have blonde, grey or fair red hair, as there is not enough pigment in lighter hair to absorb the laser energy.
The Treatment
Laser hair removal is fast and easy. It requires a course of treatments for full results because hair grows in cycles and the laser can only treat hair while it is in its active growth stage. To treat an area properly, up to 8 sessions are needed. Your appointments will be spaced 2-8 weeks apart depending on the area(s) we are treating for you. This may change on the area of hair removal, for example, facial hair removal may take less time than underarm laser hair removal, however, Dr Jenni will advise you on this before your treatments begin.
What do I need to do before my appointment?
You will need to shave the area the day before your treatment and make sure you avoid using any other form of hair removal for 6 weeks prior to treatment, including waxing, tweezing, threading, hair removal creams and epilating. This is because these methods destroy the hair root, leaving us with nothing to direct the laser at! It is perfectly fine to shave at any point in the run-up to your treatments, as this leaves the hair root in place ready for your laser hair removal treatment.
As your treatments progress you will begin to notice that there is gradually less hair to shave before each appointment. Any remaining growth tends to be finer, softer and sparse, so rather than shaving every day, you may find yourself shaving every couple of weeks. Hair growth will slow down more and more with each laser hair removal treatment.
Over time new hair follicles may develop and some follicles can regenerate (hormones can play a part in this), so it is important to bear in mind that you may need periodic maintenance sessions. A maintenance treatment may be needed 1 or 2 times a year to target these new hairs if they appear.
We also have the medical expertise to be able to prescribe hair reduction cream, which can complement your treatment and optimise results, if required.
Does laser hair reduction hurt?
You will feel little bursts of short, sharp heat which many people describe as being similar to a small rubber band snapping against the skin. This is normal and settles down quickly. Unlike other laser devices and IPL, our advanced laser at The Dr Jenni Clinic has a cooling system which makes your laser hair removal treatment far more comfortable than others.
What can I expect after each treatment?
The heat from the laser warms the temperature of your skin for up to 24 hours, so it is best to avoid exercising, going to the gym, having a sauna or a bath/hot shower during this time.
You may experience some redness but this should settle within 24 hours.
We care about your aftercare and so will give you a complimentary post-treatment pack with every course of 8 treatments.
Is laser hair removal safe?
Laser hair removal at The Dr Jenni Clinic is very safe. The incredibly advanced laser device that we use targets the hair follicle only and leaves the skin around it unharmed. In addition to this, you have the benefit of being treated at a medical clinic, so you can rest assured that you’re in good hands.
If you do not choose to come to us at The Dr Jenni Clinic for treatment, please take care to choose a provider carefully, making sure you enquire about the quality of the laser device they use and the qualifications and skills of the person operating it. The lasers used for hair removal are very powerful, so it’s extremely important for your safety that you choose a provider who achieves the highest health, safety and hygiene standards.
We find that clients are happy to travel from Oxford, Leicester, Northampton, Milton Keynes, Bedford and beyond for the high-quality service that we provide at The Dr Jenni Clinic.