Hay Fever Treatments

The Hay Fever Injection

For Relief of Seasonal Pollen-Related Symptoms

The Dr Jenni Clinic is pleased to provide the Hay Fever Injection. If you are struggling with symptoms of hay fever despite trying over-the-counter or prescribed medications then the injection may be suitable for you.

If you’ve tried anti-histamines, nasal sprays and eye drops and you’re still not getting any relief, come and talk to Dr Jenni by booking an appointment.

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About Hay Fever

Nearly one quarter of all people living in England suffer with hay fever. It normally affects people in the spring and summer as this is when pollen levels are very high.

For people who suffer, their work and daily life can be significantly affected.

If over-the-counter treatments are not working well for you and your symptoms are not improving, we initially suggest that you book an appointment with your NHS GP or with Dr Jenni to try prescription tablet medication. Often you will have already tried these and are looking for another way forward to ease your symptoms.


The Dr Jenni Clinic can provide a private Hay Fever Injection not available on the NHS. The injection is a one-off treatment aimed at providing relief of your symptoms throughout the entire pollen season. If you are a hay fever sufferer, the injection can provide you with improved quality of life during what can be often otherwise be difficult months of the year.

The hay fever injection contains a prescription corticosteroid medication which is given into the large muscle of your buttock.

It is important to note that an injection does not provide 100% relief and you can still expect some milder symptoms; some people may require a second dose to achieve better results.

After the injection, the relief from the symptoms of hay fever starts at around 3 days. It may take longer if your symptoms are already severe at the time of your injection. Dr Jenni advises for you to attend for an injection around 1 month before you usually feel at your worst.

During your appointment, you will have a consultation to go through your symptoms and your medical history. If it is medically safe to receive your hay fever injection, you will then be asked to sign a consent form before it is given. The injection is very quick and you can go straight back to normal activities afterwards.

If you think your symptoms are related to an allergy other than pollen during the spring and summer months or if your symptoms last all year, you may wish to book an appointment with us to discuss more in-depth allergy testing.

Treatment Prices

Treatment Price
18+ Hay Fever Injection
£25 deposit required at the time of booking and is non-refundable
16-17 Hay Fever Injection
£25 deposit required at the time of booking and is non-refundable

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© The Dr Jenni Clinic. Company no: 11309649. Registered Address: South Entrance, Blisworth Hill Farm, Stoke Road, Blisworth, Northamptonshire NN7 3DB. Registered with the Care Quality Commission: Certificate Number CRT1-9358870592.